Elúszva / Swimming

(2011) video-installation

The installation is a reflection to my fight against the time. I always run, I’m usually late, I often precipitate. The video-loop was shot in one of the bathes in Budapest. On the video I swim counter-clockwise in a small circle, which is looped and projected on a 30 cm Ø wall-clock.

special thanks to A. Prokaj and Cs. Kalotas


In collaboration with Csaba Kalotás & Ádám Prokaj

concept, installation: E. Laki | photo: Cs. Kalotás
video, screening: Á. Prokaj, Cs. Kalotás | music: Cs. Kalotás

Almost everyone must have experienced the awkward situation, when one
shall attend an event which is unpleasant, odd but compulsory. That event
can be a lunch with the family or with collagues from work. The reason to
bring this project alive is based on those pesky situations.

The project’s genre is video installation. We place four plates with its tablewares on a 120x80 cm size lunch table. In the plates we project four videos masked out in circle shape, a projector is hanged above the table. The videos depict four characters in different situations, in a pool of water, shot from above. One of them is drowning, the other is floating, the third one is swimming in circles. There’s only a plain surface of water in the fourth plate, representing the character’s total disinterest. The videos are projected in loops during the time of the exhibition.

The sound of the whole occasion (the sound of tablewares, slurping, etc.) are coming from speakers attached invisibly under the table.


2010, Tolcsva


2010, Tolcsva


in collaboration with G. Szőke
2010, Tolcsva


2010, Tolcsva

The “Tokaji” word is the name of the most famous hungarian wine.
The location of this board is in Tolcsva, one of the centers of the Tokaj wine companies. This work is reflecting to the big scandall of the fake Tokaj.


in collaboration with A. Juhász

The concept of the public project in Miskolc city was to put well-known public objects, street signs, street names into quotation marks. To put something in quotation marks washes the “seriousness” away from, modifying their meaning in a way.

spec. thanx to J. Fischer & V. Enart


in collaboration with A. Juhász



Kászonaltíz, Erdély, 2010


(ragasztó, takács mácsonya)

(venyige, drót, műanyag tölcsér)
in collaboration with Judit Szendrődi


Csomó (Pécs, 2010)

Pécs, 2010

A Fordan-center lépcsője funkcióját vesztve vezet a semmibe, mivel az előtte elhelyezkedő ajtót befalazták. A lépcsővel szemben Zsolnay-cserepes, valaha szebb napokat látott épület jelenleg kínai üzletként működik. A mű alapját képező vonalkód ritmusát vonalkód-generátor alkotta az 1989 és 2010 számokból. A lépcső alján csomóba gubancolódó szálak a fogyasztói társadalom, a gazdasági válság és a vásárlásra épülő életforma problémáira világítanak rá.